Vintage Gustav Stickley Strap-hinged Buffet. Signed.

Original Gustav Stickley strap hinged buffet, model 814. Excellent original finish with minor finish enhancement to areas, original patina to hardware. Signed with a faint branded signature on outside of drawer as shown. Signed with the firms paper label on reverse, partially obstructed by the furniture retailers label affixed over it. Circa 1912 to 1918. Measures: 48" H x 66" W x 23 1/2 H.

Product ID: #10814i

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Detail hand hammered copper strap hinges on door.

Detail hand hammered copper strap hinges on door.

Detail hand hammered copper door handle.

Detail hand hammered copper door handle.

Detail excellent quarter sawed white oak ray flake grain on side panel. (the spacial orientation of the panel is correct when "clicked" for enlarged view).

Detail excellent quarter sawed white oak ray flake grain on side panel. (the spacial orientation of the panel is correct when "clicked" for enlarged view).

Faint branded signature on outside of drawer. Circa 1912 to 1918.

Faint branded signature on outside of drawer. Circa 1912 to 1918.

 Signed with the firms paper label on reverse, partially obstructed by the furniture retailers label affixed over it.

Signed with the firms paper label on reverse, partially obstructed by the furniture retailers label affixed over it.

Oblique view.

Oblique view.